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What is a financial advisor?

What is a financial advisor?

A financial advisor is a professional who helps people save money and make informed financial decisions. A financial advisor typically charges a fee for his or her services, and may offer investment advice, retirement planning, and other services.If you are looking for financial advisors in Phoenix you may visit  Asset Preservation wealth & tax.

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What does a financial advisor do?

Financial advisors are professionals who help people make informed financial decisions. They provide guidance on investing, retirement planning, and other financial matters.

There are two main types of financial advisors: fee-only and commission-based. Fee-only advisors charge a flat fee for their services, regardless of the amount of money clients save or lose. Commission-based advisors receive a percentage of the assets they manage on behalf of their clients.

Both types of advisors have their benefits and drawbacks. Fee-only advisors can be more affordable, but they may not be able to offer specific investment advice tailored to your individual needs. Commission-based advisors can be more knowledgeable about investment options and may be able to recommend products that match your risk tolerance better. It's important to choose an advisor who is right for you based on your needs and budget!

What's the difference between a financial advisor and an investment adviser?

A financial advisor is a professional who helps clients with their personal finances. They can help with things like budgeting, investing, and retirement planning. 

An investment adviser, on the other hand, is a professional who helps clients make decisions about which investments to make. They may help with things like stock picking, bond trading, and insurance investing.