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Some Food Photography Basics For Beginners

Some Food Photography Basics For Beginners

If you have an interest in taking photos of the dishes that you make in the kitchen but are not a professional food photographer, I have compiled some of the basic techniques that you can use easily (and cheap) at home to make your own culinary photography magic.

This simple consideration is the key to any food photography and is used by regular food photographers. You can browse to get best food product photography.

Lighting tip

Do not use frontal flash on your subject, blinking from the front will wash the texture of a dish or a food subject. In food, photography texture is what you want to achieve. Use lighting from the side or back, this gives depth to your photo, and it helps give the viewers a perspective that is interesting to focus on.

Natural lighting, namely the sun, works well in the position above too. However, it might not always be in the right place for you to use, especially when shooting indoors if you have a window that does not face a bright position.

A small mirror works very well to focus light on certain parts of a dish to help reduce very hard shadows or to attract attention to the fields that are interesting in your composition.

Composition Tips

Most importantly, the food used for food photography should always be fresh. This means checking fruit and vegetable defects and making sure the items are not too soft or burning, or trivial. Small imperfections are easily taken and will reduce the overall appearance of your photo.

Food photography is a form of art with many techniques that can be explored in depth if you are interested in advancing your skills. Keep in mind these most basic tips to be used as a strong foundation for building a better food snap at home.