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From Classic to Volume: Exploring the World of Lash Trays for Every Eye Shape

From Classic to Volume: Exploring the World of Lash Trays for Every Eye Shape

In the world of eyelash extensions, one size does not fit all. Every person has a unique eye shape, and it's essential to choose the right lash trays to create a customized look that enhances natural beauty. From classic to volume lashes, there are various options available to cater to different eye shapes. Let's delve into the world of lash trays and explore how you can select the perfect lashes for your eye shape.

lash trays

Understanding Different Eye Shapes

Almond Eyes

  • Naturally have an upswept outer corner.
  • Suit most lash styles, including dramatic volume or cat-eye looks.

Round Eyes

  • Have a more circular shape with a visible eyelid crease.
  • Benefit from lashes that elongate and lift the eyes, such as wispy or fluttery styles.

Hooded Eyes

  • Have a fold of skin that droops over the crease, making the eyelid appear smaller.
  • Suitable lashes include shorter lengths in the inner corner and longer lengths towards the outer corner to create the illusion of bigger eyes.

Choosing the Right Lash Trays

Classic Lashes

Classic lash trays contain individual extensions that are used to create a natural, mascara-like look. They are available in various lengths, thicknesses, and curls to suit different preferences.

  • Ideal for clients with naturally full lashes who want to enhance their look subtly.
  • Best for almond or round eye shapes as they provide a natural lift and definition.
  • Can be used to fill gaps in sparse lashes or add length and volume.

Volume Lashes

Volume lash trays contain multiple lightweight extensions that are fanned out and applied to a single natural lash. They create a more dramatic and full appearance compared to classic lashes.

  • Perfect for clients who desire a fuller, more glamorous look.
  • Ideal for hooded eyes as they can create the illusion of bigger, more open eyes.
  • Offer more versatility in terms of creating different styles, such as dramatic volume or wispy sets.

Mega Volume Lashes

Mega volume lash trays contain ultra-fine extensions that are densely packed to create a bold and intense look. They are ideal for clients who want maximum volume and impact.

  • Suitable for special occasions or bold makeup looks.
  • Best for clients with naturally sparse lashes who want a dramatic transformation.
  • Not recommended for everyday wear as they can be heavier on the natural lashes.

Tips for Customizing Lash Styles


  • Shorter lengths in the inner corner and longer lengths towards the outer corner can accentuate different eye shapes.
  • Consider the client's natural lash length and desired look when selecting extension lengths.


  • Choose the curl of the extensions based on the client's natural lash curl and the desired level of lift.
  • Curled lashes can help open up hooded eyes or add a flirty effect to round eyes.


  • Thicker lashes can create a more dramatic look, while thinner lashes offer a softer, more natural appearance.
  • Consider the client's natural lash thickness and the desired intensity of the final look.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to lash extensions, selecting the right lash trays is crucial to achieve a flattering and customized look for every eye shape. Whether you prefer classic, volume, or mega volume lashes, there is a wide range of options available to suit different preferences and styles. By understanding the characteristics of each eye shape and how various lash styles can enhance them, you can create stunning looks that highlight natural beauty and make eyes pop.