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Different Types Of Health Insurance

Different Types Of Health Insurance

Health insurance is a mandatory requirement in the United States for most individuals and families. The purpose of health insurance is to protect people from out-of-pocket costs should they experience an illness or injury. For more information about health insurance, you can click on

There are different types of health insurance coverage, including

Private health insurance is coverage that you get yourself. This type of coverage is usually cheaper than public health insurance, but it may not be available in all areas or for all types of illnesses. You may also have to pay extra for private health insurance if you have a pre-existing condition. 

Public health insurance is coverage that you get from your government. It’s usually more expensive than private health insurance, but it’s available in all areas and for all types of illnesses. Public health insurance usually covers everything from doctor’s visits to hospital stays. 

Medicare is a government program that provides healthcare for people over the age of 65 years old and certain people with disabilities. Medicare doesn’t cover everything, but it does cover many doctor’s visits and hospital stays. Most people who are eligible for Medicare automatically receive it when they turn 65 years old. 

Medicaid is a government program that provides healthcare for low-income people and children who are poor enough to qualify for free or reduced-price lunches at school.