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Tag Archive : tea towels melbourne

How To Wash And Take Care Of Your Tea Towels In Melbourne

A tea towel is much like an everyday towel or napkin, however, in place of being thick, it's miles smooth and thin. It is made using linen or cotton or in a few instances a mixture of both.

There are a lot of ways tea towels help us, so it's understandable that you might want to put time and even money into choosing a good set. You can also find the best tea sponge in Melbourne online.

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Healthwise it's important not to throw sipping tea towels into a laundry basket because they could develop mildew and bacteria, leading to them smelling and spreading this to your clothes. Wait for them to dry then put them in the laundry or, even better, wash them immediately. 

Before you wash your tea towels 

As pretty as they may look, new tea towels are not very absorbent because of the excess dye and oils leftover from the manufacturing process. 

To combat this, wash your lovely new tea towels with warm water before you first use them. You`ll be thanking us when they are less prone to sogginess! 

Removing stains from my tea towels 

Stains are annoying even if you expect them on something like a tea towel, which often wipes up the worst of spillages, including red wine. 

If you have particularly bad stains such as coffee, grease, or ketchup, consider treating your tea towel with a  stain remover on your clothes before washing as usual.