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What To Expect From Physical Therapy In Annapolis?

What To Expect From Physical Therapy In Annapolis?

Physical therapy from a qualified professional can help you overcome impaired mobility, reduce pain, eliminate the need for long-term use of prescription medications, and dramatically improve your overall quality of life. If you're preparing to begin sessions soon, here's what to expect.

Before you visit a physical therapist for an initial evaluative session, you'll want to be prepared to answer questions about your health and medical history. It may be helpful to write down a list of your present symptoms and take note of when they seem to occur more frequently. You can also get the best physical therapy in Annapolis MD via

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At your first appointment, a licensed therapist will evaluate the state of your health and physical ability. He or she will also review your medical history and discuss goals for treatment with you. Depending on your current status, he or she may assess your heart rate, respiratory function, flexibility, coordination, and strength. 

One of the primary goals of treatment will be to reduce swelling and pain so that you can improve your ability to accomplish day-to-day tasks and activities. Your therapist may also focus on regaining lost flexibility and range of motion. Physical therapy can be hard work, and you may find yourself feeling sore the day after some of your sessions. 

As you regain your abilities and your condition improves, your therapist will monitor your progress. He or she will be sure to communicate important information to your primary care provider, and when he or she feels that you have successfully completed your recovery, you will be will discharged from physical therapy.