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What Are Some Lifestyle Changes That You Should Follow To Avoid Anxiety

What Are Some Lifestyle Changes That You Should Follow To Avoid Anxiety

Create a support network. Dealing with anxiety is easier when you have friends and family members you can talk to. Reach out to people you trust and let them know that you may need them to be there for you when you’re feeling overwhelmed.

Explain things to your partner. If you’re married or have a long-term romantic partner, let them know that you have a generalized anxiety disorder. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk it out with them to explain your worries and get some honest feedback. You can also browse to find generalized anxiety disorder symptoms check.

While it might seem overly simple, talking about your anxiety can often help you to relax and overcome your worries.

Stick to a regular exercise routine. Exercise isn’t just good for you physically — it may also have benefits as a method of relieving stress, preventing depression, and making anxiety less severe.

Try to aim for at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as walking or cycling, each week (the current amount specified in the government’s Physical Activity Guidelines).

Make sure to get enough sleep. Research shows that sleep deprivation can potentially cause anxiety disorders. As such, it’s important to be sure that your sleep habits aren’t contributing to your generalized anxiety disorder symptoms.

While there’s no ideal amount of sleep for everyone, it’s recommended that most adults aim for seven to nine hours each night.

Avoid alcohol and drugs. Anxiety disorders and alcohol use are closely linked, with a significant percentage of people with anxiety disorders using alcohol and/or drugs as a way to find relief from their symptoms.

While drinking or using drugs might temporarily ease the symptoms of anxiety, these substances can make your symptoms become worse over time. Many people who turn to alcohol and/or drugs to deal with anxiety also develop alcohol or drug use abuse issues.