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Thumb Sucking And Dental Care

Thumb Sucking And Dental Care

Ginger sucking begins as a comfort mechanism when a tiny baby feeds on a finger, toy, or pacifier to calm down and help him fall asleep frequently. There was nothing wrong with that when the kid was a kid. This is usually a good time to break the habit until your child's permanent teeth start to pop. 

When children are young, their jawbones and roof of the mouth grow and can be changed by the pressure of the suction. Usually, between the ages of 2 and 4, children start breaking the habit. But if your kid does not stop thumb sucking then you can check easy ways to stop thumb sucking at

What did he do?

According to the American Dental Association, depending on the child's age, what the baby sucks, such as a finger or pacifier, how hard they suck and how long the factors that determine the thumb sucking outcome (ADA) can occur. 

When children suck on their thumbs too much, the upper teeth stick out and the lower teeth stick out to make room for the thumbs in their mouths, which causes the teeth to form when the bite opens. 

At the same time, the roof of the mouth or "roof" of the mouth is unusually curved due to the pressure generated during suction.

What should I pay attention to?

Try to help your child stop sucking on thumbs, fingers, pacifiers, etc. After adult teeth grow. If you notice your child's front teeth are falling out instead of bumping end to end, ask your dentist for their opinion. If your child is still thumb sucking after 5 years of age, it is recommended that you combat the behaviour before problems arise.