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Tag Archive : manta rays hawaii

Why Manta Ray Snorkeling Is So Special In Hawaii

The manta ray's evening dive at Kona is widely considered to be one of the best and most memorable dives anywhere on earth. We are with the experts and believe that the manta rays' presence is among many of the Big Island activities that you must not be able to miss.

The guide is organized according to the following order First, we will discuss the reasons why swimming with mantas is an unforgettable experience. Then they provide you with an in-depth overview of the various ways you can go in and experience it for yourself.

When you go for snorkeling on a Manta ray in Hawaii you'll be able to witness these enormous fish in close proximity. Manta rays are drawn by plankton, which then in its turn is attracted by bright light. To capture the plankton, manta rays remove it from the ocean by flying through the water while their mouths are open and performing what could be described as dance.

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Manta rays gracefully swim around, twist, and then somersault across the beams of light often touching their observers. The experience of manta ray night snorkelling is unique. Mantas are among the most rewarding activities one can experience on the ocean. It's difficult to describe the sensation of watching a large fish in the form of a stealthy bomber coming to the surface.