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Tag Archive : leaky basement repair

Basement Waterproofing For Mold and Mildew In Milwaukee

Many homeowners don't think about basement waterproofing projects until they are hit by a major flood accident that causes large amounts of unwanted water to enter their homes after heavy rains or other natural events. 

While addressing Mold Services in Milwaukeethis direct water spill is important. The large cracks in basement walls and potential flooding problems are not the only hazards homeowners face due to humidity in the basement. 

Most of the water damage in the basement was not due to major floods, but rather a small amount of moisture that penetrated the wooden walls over a long period.

The soil around your basement always contains a certain amount of water, which can increase or decrease depending on the season, rainfall, and other factors. Saturated soil creates hydrostatic pressure on the walls and floors of your basement, which over time can push water through blocks and cause significant damage.

Wooden walls can act like a sponge, absorbing water over time and letting it run down your basement. In most cases, you can see evidence of this creeping water damage from the white stripes on your walls. 

This, in addition to the humidity in the basement, can cause dangerous black mold and powdery mildew to grow. And while mold and mildew can be destroyed with the help of bleach or other products, only proper basement waterproofing can ensure that mold will not return in the future.