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Tag Archive : Hypo vitamin C

Oral Absorption in Spray Vitamins

Medicine has evolved at a dramatic speed during the past centuries. We're in a position to take nutritional supplements that improve our health, prevent disease, and combat the effects of aging. You can buy the best vitamins spray at for you, which has many benefits.

Since we've gained a much better understanding of how the human body works, new drugs and methods for shipping have been invented. One of the latest is oral ingestion, in which medicine is administered via a spray into the back of your mouth or neck.

Following several studies at major schools and hospitals, many medical experts have agreed that oral spray absorption of drugs and nutritional supplements is far superior to existing caplet procedures.

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When administered orally, tests in MGH (Massachusetts General Hospital) suggest that vitamins and nourishment reach higher blood levels faster than when given through tablet or caplet. In fact, some supplements may start acting on your body nearly 30 minutes sooner than when administered via a caplet or tablet.

The spray method also boosts the effectiveness of nutrient supplements. Generally, your body utilizes just 10 percent of the nourishment in a caplet or tablet. Together with oral ingestion just over 90% of these nutrients are used, which puts less strain on your liver and digestive tract, all of which are responsible for ripping off artificial or wasted nutrients. 

Since sprays are instantly absorbed, they do not need complex delivery mechanisms, which further pushes cost, but also indicates that they contain no additives, casings, or binding agents that are usually found in caplets. Meaning the only ingredient you are ingesting is your nutritional supplement, nutritional supplement, or drugs.