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Reasons Why Dredging Is Useful?

Dredging is used when you need to remove or move sediment from resources. Sediment is material deposited by water, wind, or glacier or already existing on the bottom of a water body. This is why sediment can be found in numerous places such as streams, lakes, coastal waters, the earth, and more.

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Here are a few reasons why dredging is necessary, how this practice can be beneficial, and how it should be done correctly. 

Making Marines Possible To Navigate

One of the most prominent ways to import and export products is via ships and boats. When these vessels make their way inland, they dock at marinas. Because marinas are so close to land, they’re not nearly as deep as other parts of the ocean located farther off the coast.

Sometimes, the sediment at the bottom of marinas begins to concentrate in certain areas, making it difficult for ships and boats to navigate without getting stuck. That’s where dredging comes in.

Helps To Protect Against The Effects Of Coastal Erosion

Coastal erosion is a process that breaks down the coastline. When something like a hurricane, cyclone, or tropical storm makes its way inland, it displaces the sand and sediment around the beach and deposits it elsewhere, usually in awkward places like sandbars located fairly far away from the coast.

As the water line creeps closer to the towns and inhabited areas, the risk of problematic flooding and damaging storms affecting the area begins to rise as well. The distance that the beaches create between the water and the towns serves as a protective barrier. If this distance doesn’t exist, the towns and infrastructure become more vulnerable.