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Tag Archive : chemical peels in milton on

Everything You Need To Know About Chemical Peels In Milton ON

A chemical peel for the face is a procedure in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin to remove damaged skin cells, treat wrinkles, and correct scars and sunspot discolorations. Chemical peels contain different types of acids that have varying depths of skin penetration.

There are many options depending on your needs and how sensitive your skin is. You can also check out to know more about a chemical peel.

What do you need to do to prepare for a chemical peel?

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After choosing a reputable board-certified plastic surgeon or dermatologist, the first step is to schedule a pre-procedure consultation to discuss your reasons for wanting a chemical peel and the expectations of treatment.

Your health history and medications will be reviewed to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. This review includes screening for a history of diabetes, nutritional deficiency, photosensitivity, abnormal scarring, prior radiation, recent facial surgery, skin conditions, use of isotretinoin or oral contraceptives, smoking status, pregnancy status, and amount of daily sun exposure – these factors can increase the risk of complications.

Next, a physical exam of the skin is performed to assess skin thickness, health, and condition. Photographs may be taken to document the pre-procedure skin condition.