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Different Types of Camper Trailers

Camper trailers are motor vehicles equipped with basic facilities of self-contained travelling homes. They are useful for the people who spend their most of the time in travelling. These trailers provide basic facilities of a home; you can cook, wash and sleep comfortably in them.

There are three different types of these campers differing in structure and material of construction. They are travel trailers, folding camping trailers and fifth-wheel trailers. Each of these campers Trailers has basic home facilities. Different types of materials are used to manufacture these campers such as aluminium, steel, fibreglass, plastic etc. The material from which the camper is constructed determines the overall weight of a trailer.

Below are the main types of campers:

Towable travel trailers are attached to the back of a vehicle. These trailers have an expendable section that can be pulled to increase the living space. They can range in height from 10 to 35 feet. You can sleep up to 8 comfortably in larger trailers.

Folding trailers are lighter than travel trailers, and they are smaller. These trailers have tough platforms, but walls and roofs made from flexible materials. Flexible walls and roofs make it possible to fold and collapse the trailer before you get to your destination.

You can also spread the trailer large once you have reached your destination. These trailers are less expensive than travel trailers, and can accommodate up to six people.