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Get Diverse Job Boards

Diversity, We've all heard it, and more importantly, as a hiring manager, you're constantly being told that you need to diversify your employees. That means you need to hire men and women, as well as people from different backgrounds and ethnicities.

Google is not doing well in achieving healthy workforce diversity, according to a report released last Wednesday. In fact, the report states that only 30 percent of the company's employees are women, and about 60 percent are white. Only two percent are black. Come on! Can you talk about non-variety? The diverse job boards provides you various opportunities to touch success.

Article: Leading with cognitive diversity in the face of COVID-19 People Matters

Don't let this happen to you! You need to ensure that you differ in your hiring practices while also ensuring that you hire the right candidate for the position you hold.

No matter who you interview, always ask the same questions; This is fair. It will also give you a better picture of who the best applicants are. Even if you are interviewing people of the same gender and ethnicity, you should still ask the same questions.

If you take control of each hiring process yourself, you will quickly take advantage of your own prejudices, whether consciously or not, and this means that your workplace is less varied.