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Dust Masks: What Are They?

Dust Masks: What Are They?

Safety should be your top priority if your job requires you to travel to areas where air quality is compromised or if your home project exposes you to potential air contaminants. On average, humans take more than 20,000 breaths per day. Without air, we cannot function for more than a few seconds. 

Avoiding harmful air can be difficult if you are forced to breathe in certain conditions. Therefore, it is important to take steps to ensure safe breathing. A dust mask can make the difference between healthy and unhealthy breathing. So if you want to know full information then, you can explore our website

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder (COPD) can be caused by exposure to dust and other hazardous materials in the atmosphere. COPD can include two main respiratory diseases: chronic bronchitis (chronic bronchitis) and emphysema (chronic emphysema). 

Chronic bronchitis causes inflammation of the airways in the lungs. The body makes mucus to fight off infection, which causes the airways to become blocked and makes breathing difficult. Emphysema damages lung tissue and creates air pockets in the lungs. 

Your lungs become less flexible during inhale/exhale, which causes air to get trapped in your lungs. This makes it difficult to catch your breath. Exposure to harmful substances can cause a lifetime of difficult breathing and other respiratory problems. Even if you work in poor air quality environments, investing in a high-quality dust filter mask can help you breathe easier for many years.