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Choose A Good, Reputable Freight Forwarding Company In Germany

Choose A Good, Reputable Freight Forwarding Company In Germany

There are a number of factors to consider when signing an international shipping contract. Remember, you’re going to put a significant amount of trust in the firm you choose. Therefore, it is important that you make the right decision.

More information about freight forwarders in Germany is also available at Pangea Services. Before choosing a company consider the following:

freight forwarders

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1. How much experience the company has

See how many years this company has been in business and where the owners are from. Ask for recommendations or referrals for past customers – many companies list this on their website as proof of their reliability. Take the time to make sure that the company you choose is experienced with your specific exposure. 

2. What services do they offer?

You will need to ask for details of what their services include. Options can include:

-Repack and save your product.

-Reservation of cargo space.

-Preparation of documents for import and export.

3. Can they customize their offers to meet your needs?

Experienced freight forwarders know that not every shipment is the same. Therefore, each customer must be treated individually and his needs met according to the order.

Ask them how prices or transportation costs might change due to the variety of products in your portfolio, or if your company has decided to branch out into different markets. The company you choose should set your shipping terms as priority number 1.