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Bed Bug Treatment: Ways to Kill Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Treatment: Ways to Kill Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are known as one of the most hated household pests. They can cause many discomforts including insomnia, psychological problems, and allergic reactions. Their Cryptic habits and abilities to hide in a gap make it very difficult to kill them. There is no single treatment that can kill bed bugs. You need various treatments to kill Bed Bugs.

Insects cannot withstand extreme temperatures. Research has shown that the pest dies within 30 minutes after exposure to -17 ° C (1.4 ° F) – freezing point for insects.

Bed bug on a mattress

There are 3 freezing techniques: cold freezers, cold and frozen CO2 environments. In each case, the temperature must be at least -17 ° C. If your home freezer can reach this temperature, this is a good way to kill bed bugs on fabrics that are sensitive to extreme heat.

Wrap the object into sheets, towels or other types of absorbent materials that collect condensation. Place the object wrapped in a plastic bag, extract the air from the bag and close the meeting.

Place objects into the freezer for at least 2 weeks. Avoid freezer disbursement because they are very dry and do not maintain stable temperatures in their cycles. Don't freeze objects made of layers of painting, lacquer ware, ivory or photos. Objects consisting of one material such as wool or ideal wood.