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AI in Life and Pharma Sciences

AI in Life and Pharma Sciences

What is the latest currency used by life sciences and biopharma businesses? Two words: big data. Look closer at how artificial intelligence in healthcare is employed to draw insights from a variety of data sets, It allows it to be interoperable across the entire enterprise to transform your value chain and bring life-saving treatments to market more quickly. 

The applications of AI are more impressive than in the areas of life science, in which the digital transformation that is enabled through AI and machine learning is affecting all aspects of value chains, and is advancing us towards our vision of the Future of Health. With the help of an online science hub, you will be covering the regions where the therapies of tomorrow begin.

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How AI could transform the value chain for pharma

Research into the cognitive molecule

AI transforms R&D by applying machine learning to huge data sets, which allows for the quick discovery of novel molecules. The capabilities of these technologies have already produced new drugs that are candidates for development, often in a matter of months instead of years. They could help boost R&D efficiency throughout every step of this process.

Digital data flows that are automated

In the context of automating studies in a clinical trial, AI could significantly decrease cost and cycle times as well as improve the results of clinical development. 

Customer and personalized patient engagement

Intelligent, actionable insights. This is what biopharma's brand and commercial executives are looking for, and AI can give. Patient journeys, metrics for advertising, along with HCP-related data, can be merged and analyzed using AI to enhance the omnichannel marketing channels and messaging.